Are You Stuck Comparing?

Oct 11, 2023Lizzie Hanley

Something I think I struggle with is the evil game of comparison, and I think a lot of other people understand that struggle too. Between social media and simply our desire to be successful, it’s hard to resist thinking about where others are at in life relative to yourself. Maybe you feel like you’re pretty good about putting comparison to rest, or maybe you feel like it’s consuming the way you perceive yourself. Either way, I’ve found that it’s been really transformative to recognize what God says about it. So here’s what I’ve been learning…

Comparison usually goes one of two ways:

a) We think someone else is better off than us and put ourselves down
b) We think someone else is worse off than us and make ourselves feel better

In one case, we lose gratitude for the grace God has shown us and the goodness in our lives by feeling envious of another person, and we stop seeing ourselves how God sees us. In the other case, we become prideful in our own works, and we stop seeing others the way God sees them. I don’t think either of these sound like what God desires for us!

What I’m finding is that this really boils down to our understanding of our purpose. Comparison, in a race for example, helps us figure out in what order we will arrive at the finish line in. This only works because we’re all using the same mode of transportation (i.e. running). Like in a race, we all have the common goal in the Christian life of moving towards Jesus, but God intentionally designed us all to serve the Church differently (A.K.A. different modes of transportation). So, if my purpose isn’t the same as anyone else’s, then there’s no use in comparing myself to the people around me.

Romans 12:4-6a (MSG) says it like this:
“The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body…
So we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.”

I hope you feel encouraged to go out this week and fully embrace the person that God has created you to be, without comparison!