Let God Build Victories into Your Life

Apr 22, 2024Steve Wilkinson

In the beginning, when God said, "let there be..." It was a word of action. And He continues to create. He continues to let it be, sustains it, moves it, and makes it new every day. This includes all the creation, even us. We, along with God, are not finished to improve creation. He has plans that are yet to be completed. The things that are finished, we leave behind. We celebrate the victories and move on from the rest. Looking forward to what God has planned. Letting him build victory into our lives. In order to express righteous anger, we must hate what God hates. Jesus is our model. (Psalm 139:21) Victims are not part of God’s will. We are called to help them, and this pleases God. One way to help is to keep our emotions in check. On the other hand, sinful anger is led by the flesh. It always hurts. Do not take advantage of victims. Ask God to help you see people as He sees them, and you will tune into God's wisdom. The anger motivates us to help people. Anger also helps us to move away from people who are causing the problem. But we must keep our anger in check. We have to move into a mission way of thinking. We have to say, "I’m going to get involved and do something because I want to be part of the solution." We must do good to overcome evil. Anger of man doesn’t result in God’s righteousness. Ephesians 2:23 tells us to put the new self on - the work we have yet to do. Here are four ways to do that: 1. My heart breaks as God’s does. 2. Pray for victims and offenders alike. 3. Release people to God’s judgement. He will do a better job of correcting or punishing in righteous anger. 4. Channel anger to a positive action. Let God. Forgiveness - not trusting, not fixing, & removing yourself from the process by letting it go and giving it to God. (Psalm 37:7-11) Who do you need to offer forgiveness to today?