February 19 MInute Message

Feb 19, 2015Tom Ellsworth

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Nineteenth century author, Katherine Mansfield, only lived 35 years, but in her brief lifetime she gained some valuable insights that some people never learn in lifetime. Katherine wrote, “Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.” Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.

When we look back over our lives we often celebrate the happy moments while dismissing the disappointments with regret. That’s when the wallowing begins. Don’t get me wrong; we ought to celebrate the good, but the tough times do not deserve our regrets. In fact, it is during the difficult moments when we mature the most. As a kid I remember the Christmas catalogs advertising rock tumblers. I was fascinated by the beautiful polished stones that had once been ugly and rough. The beauty didn’t come over night; it took weeks of constant tumbling with abrasives before the ordinary rocks were transformed into jewel like treasures. Our lives are much the same – we don’t mature over night, but through years of tumbling in abrasive circumstances God brings us to a state of maturity. Don’t waste your energy on regrets – in time your life will become a beauty treasure.