A Soft Heart For God

Jun 24, 2024Steve Wilkinson

God is so very good. The pain that He went through on the cross was just so we could be with him. He is so good. He has a plan. Each of us needs to let him be unhindered as He works it out.

Living an eternal life with Jesus and preparing to help others find the way to eternal life, is living the life that Jesus wants; it is a life with an eternal perspective.

Find the good people who want to bear Godly fruit. Find those whose heart is for God, who understands eternal life. Ask God to give you a discerning heart to find people who are wanting to please Jesus. Be aware that people can change - some will change more for Jesus, others will change away.

Do not value the opinions of the mockers - those whose heart is not living for God.

We are all being formed or shaped by something. It is that which we value that shapes our heart. Some people's self-esteem is a value of their physical looks. They believe they are someone special because they are attractive. For other people they believe their material possessions is their self-esteem. Therefore, they must protect their possessions. Anything that we value other than being a child of God will shape us in the wrong way.

Make a list of what you value, what you believe to be important. What on the list is of God and what is not? Adjust the list - get rid of the ungodly and concentrate on the Godly.

The Bible points the way to God's voice. He always speaks through it. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. He is all we need and what is important, our example. What we should value the most is Him and the direction that He is taking us.

Soft hearts before God find the way in life. A soft heart is very moldable and changeable. A soft heart realizes that God is bending them and shaping them in a new direction, and they quickly change.

A hard heart has made up their mind about what they want and therefore anything that contradicts that gets resisted. Hardhearted people will continue to do things wrong, believing what they are doing is right. This is a very sad state of affairs to be deceived.

Being on the right road with the correct directions makes so much more sense than being on a road that never gets you anywhere. Bad directions are very frustrating. It is like a person running to destruction with their fingers in their ears as people are shouting to them "don't go that way."

Let Jesus drive, then you won't have to worry about getting lost or frustrated because you keep repeating the same mistakes. Jesus knows where He is going. The best way to soften our heart is to give total obedience to anything we know He wants us to do. The number one way we know what that is is by reading the word of God daily.