Are you using your GPS?

Jul 7, 2023Sarah Maher

Last Sunday our Bedford campus was blessed to hear a message from Steve Wilkinson. One of the themes that stuck with me was that God can and should be our internal guidance system, our own personal GPS. 


I was recently reading through the story of Elisha the Prophet.  All the miraculous things that Elisha was able to do and prophesize were because of his faithfulness to God. When others around him turned astray and worshiped false Gods, Elisha kept his ancient GPS set on the Lord. God was with him and his fellow believers for the big trips and the small ones. Even something as small as an ax head that was borrowed and lost in a river was not overlooked. 


Sometimes we are quick to forget that the Lord knows us from every hair on our head to the depths of our hearts. In God’s loving hands, nothing is too small or insignificant. This week I would like to bring the Lord with me into more of the daily aspects of my life. For he is with me on the big trips and the small, my internal guidance system. 


“The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you (Luke 17:5-6).”

-Sarah Maher