Luke Zeller gave a great visual at last night’s opening event for the men’s Bible study. If you pound a boulder with a hammer, it is going to take a lot of blows to finally crack it. You can’t give the last strike the praise for doing all the work. It was every hit leading up to that point that made it possible for the rock to break! This is applicable to most of life’s journey when it comes to being a better person.
When improving your prayer life or studying the Bible, you probably want to see progress and improvement on day one. It usually doesn’t work that way and can lead to frustration. But after you have prayed or read daily for days on days, you can look back to where you started and measure your growth in your relationship with Jesus and your gained wisdom. It is all about moving forward little by little.
A few years ago, my wife and I were climbing mountains, and we would be barreling up the steep incline, giving it all we got! Once we reached a point of having no breath, we would stop and take a look at where we came from. Most of the time, it was depressing to see that we didn’t get very far, but we kept pounding the rock. We kept pushing up the mountain, and little by little eventually became a lot!
It is not always easy to keep pounding that rock! You need people in your life who are going to encourage you and keep you accountable. The church is a great way to find these people who are willing to walk with you on your journey. You can start by joining our Wednesday night Bible studies!