Christmas is a celebration that the light has come!

Dec 8, 2023Lauren Hong

Christmas is a celebration that the light has come!

For most of us, Christmas is such a wonderful time of year and can feel special in so many ways. There is much to celebrate and be thankful for. The joy of time spent with family and the happiness of giving and receiving warms our hearts in a way like nothing else.

As humans though, we have a strong tendency to set store on people, things, places and events. We create ideal moments in our minds and set high expectations that are not always met. When reality rears its head, we can be disappointed, forfeit our enjoyment of the moment and, even blame the people around us for not fulfilling our wants.

But when we set all of our expectations on God, we will NEVER be disappointed. In fact, when we place our moments and our days in His hands, when we seek to place Christ at the center of all we do, and when we remember that He is the reason we celebrate Christmas, the reality far outweighs what we can dream of ourselves. When our expectations become awe and wonder at the miracle of the birth of Christ, God incarnate come to earth as a babe, knit together in the womb of a teenage girl, willing to live and die as man so that we might have eternal life with Him, what better reality could there possibly be?

Christmas is a celebration that the light has come. Let’s celebrate the light that has come into the world and shines in the darkness that cannot overcome it. Regardless of what plans we make, and how they actually pan out, regardless of current situations (physical, financial, marital, etc), we can find joy and contentment in the reality of Emmanual, God With Us. Jesus was born to be the true Savior, to fill the void we find inside ourselves and in him alone can LIFE be found.

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)