Communal Faith

Aug 25, 2023Lauren Hong

What does it mean to walk through life with someone? What does it look like practically? We are designed with a deep need and desire for community. We typically meet this need through different people and groups in our lives, with friends and family. But there is an even deeper spiritual need that can only be met by the church. By brothers and sisters in Christ who help carry our burdens, lift us up in love and help turn our eyes and hearts toward Christ.

How are you seeking to meet these God-given needs?

Are you finding comfort in things of this world (social media, entertainment, hobbies, addictions, friends that pull you away from God...), or are you finding rest in God alone and those who seek to do likewise?

We are meant to live out our faith in community. That’s why God gave us the church. We need one another. And especially, we need people who are willing and able to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Heb. 10:24)

Do you have someone in your life who will come alongside you during the good and the bad, who will help lift you up, encourage you, comfort you, call you out on the ways you are losing sight of God? What a blessing if you do! And what a sister or brother to pray for if you don’t.

Are you that friend in someone’s life? Are you willing to come alongside and walk through life with another? Let us be challenged to seek community within our church, even if it requires us to step out of our comfort zones or to let go of some worldly ties. Let us be challenged to use our time, talents and efforts to support and care for others around us and truly live out God’s vision for the church as a unified body of believers, living to make an “eternal difference in the lives of at-risk people.”