Do you hear God?

Jul 3, 2023

I love the way God speaks to us.

Whether it’s through a beautiful skyline, encouraging words when you need them most or something random in your day when you least expect it, God reminds you he’s there. Just recently, when my husband and I were on vacation, I listened to a daily devotional on the patio one morning. It encouraged memorization and meditation on scripture because “this is a primary discipline for thought life”. One of the passages was from Psalms. After listening, I read the passage from my Bible, then wrote it out. The rest of the day we were gone and, on our way back to where we were staying, we decided to make a stop at this historical park we came upon along the river. We walked around a bit and eventually meandered over to a newly planted tree. I was admiring it and trying to figure out what kind of tree it was, when my eyes fell to the memorial plaque below. There it was! Part of the very scriptures I had written out earlier that morning:

Psalm 1:3 : He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water

A family had dedicated the tree to their loved one with those words. The remainder of that verse, the part that fills the “…” goes like this: 

That brings forth its fruit in it season, whose leaf also shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper.  

In Psalm 1 God tells us we are blessed when we delight in and meditate on his law. It might’ve seemed insignificant to somebody else, but to me it was pretty cool! It was as if God led me there to see it. Look up, pay attention to who and what God is putting in front of you. He is speaking. Do you hear him?