God Calls Us to Give from What We Have

Nov 27, 2023Lauren Hong
Money is a leading stressor for much of society today. Food insecurities in children and families are on the rise. Inflation is evident all around us. Less than 30 percent of Americans feel financially secure. It is not easy to give away money when we find ourselves in a place of need or uncertainty. We want to hold tight to the things we have and make sure we have enough first. There is no doubt that giving once, let alone regularly, is a challenge for many of us.
But this desire we have for a false sense of security leads only to a heart of greed. There is no joy in holding tightly to the things of this world and it is not the Father’s desire or design. God is our ultimate provider and He wants to bless us in ways that we cannot imagine or supply for ourselves. But this requires us to let go of our worldly possessions to make room for God to work in our hearts and in our lives, through our time and resources.
God calls us to give, not out of abundance, but from whatever we have. Jesus challenged his followers to go above and beyond an obligatory percentage. It is not about how much we give, but the heart behind the giving. As Shawn quoted Ron Blue, “the only way to break the power of greed, is to give.”
If we wait for a generous heart before we start giving, we may never begin. It is the act of giving that often sparks the joy within that fans into flame a true heart of generosity. So start today. The question for Jesus was not how much do I have to give, but how much do I trust God. It’s not about a number or a certain percentage, though the Bible does speak clearly to that. Giving back to God is not meant to be a task that we check off our list of things that make us a Christian each month. God wants us to “root our lives in the resurrection of Jesus, and root our lives in rhythms of generosity.” Tithing, setting aside a portion of our income, is by God’s design to help remind us of our inability to do things by our own strength and of our desperate need for Him. And when we let go of our reluctance and begin to rejoice in the act of giving, our eyes are opened to the incredible ways that God is at work. Nothing that you give to the kingdom of God from a heart that desires to be obedient to the Father EVER goes to waste. God is at work in this world, in our community, in our church and in our lives in more ways than we will every know. And he wants to partner with us to do this work.
It starts with a step of faith. Make a decision today to set in motion a rhythm of generosity and pray for the Lord to show you his multiplication and might through that. And be prepared for the joy that will follow as you faithfully give and faithfully receive all that the Lord has for you.