God Helps the Helpless

Jul 12, 2024Lauren Hong

During the recent severe storms, many of us lost power for several days. It can be really challenging to live in the dark when we are so used to having light and the use of a variety of electronics at the flip of a switch. But did you take a moment to step outside in the dark of the night? With half of Bloomington’s lights out, the stars were made more visible than ever.

Psalm 3, through the honest words of David, gives us insight into his heart during a time of significant challenge in his life. Even as his own son, Absalom, had stolen his kingship and was tracking David down to kill him, David did not stop loving his child, and he did not stop trusting God.

In the nights of fear, doubt, and suffering, everything can seem so hopeless. But even when it feels like no one else cares, the Lord never abandons or forsakes us. Even while the enemy is attacking us with reminders of our mistakes and past failures, causing us to question our value and abilities, we can take those thoughts captive and turn our thoughts toward God instead. He loves us unconditionally and there is NOTHING in our past, present or future that can or will ever change that. When you are trapped in the dark of night, feeling hopeless and afraid, stop and look up. In the darkest of nights, the stars shine the brightest. It is often during our most difficult seasons that God is the most evident as He works in our lives and our stories.

He is always there, just as the stars are, but during the hours and seasons the sun is bright, we can easily lose sight of their brilliance. Don’t forget that God is always there, always with you, always wanting to work for your good and His glory. Whether day or night, seasons of joy and prosperity or sorrow and poverty, moments of hope or filled with despair, God is still there. He is our shield and protector, our mighty God who sustains us through it all.

What story is your psalm writing today? Whatever the beginning or middle may be, no matter the twists and turns or slips it has taken, let’s turn to God today because we already know the ending He has written.