God Meets Us in the Wilderness

Jun 13, 2024Carly Powell

Elijah found himself in the wilderness, overwhelmed by fear and exhaustion. Yet, God met him there, not in the powerful wind, earthquake, or fire, but in a gentle whisper. This teaches us the importance of being intentional in seeking God's presence, especially in our wilderness moments. When our expectations don't match our experiences, we must intentionally lean into God, listening for His gentle whisper. By doing so, we are reminded of our identity and purpose in Him. Let us be intentional in our prayers, our rest, and our pursuit of God's presence, trusting He is with us always.

Dear Jesus,
Please give me intentionality this week as I look for you in all things big and small. Allow my mind and heart to be transformed by your presence. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, for your son Jesus, and for your guidance in my life. It's in Your Son's name I pray today. Amen!