God, My Exceeding Joy

Jan 2, 2024Lauren Hong

Psalm 43:4 – Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy. El Simchah Giyl

As we close out the year and look forward to the coming of a new one, we often find ourselves in a place of reflection and contemplation. Looking back on the best and the worst of the past year, we are hopeful that things will be better, and we will be better as we step into a new beginning. Each year, January 1st offers us a chance to start again, make resolutions and set new goals. The future looks bright and hopeful, with nothing negative on a clean calendar. For some, this energy can last throughout the year, but more often than not, it pitters out as reality sets in, and we end up disappointed and dejected.

So rather than setting our hopes and happiness on our circumstances and an environment we cannot always control, let’s set our hopes on Christ alone. When we look to our steadfast God, who is not bound by time or human imperfections, we will never be disappointed. No matter what happens to us or our circumstances, we can find peace and joy in knowing the Lord. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Knowing God is enough. Our God, El Simchah Giyl, our exceeding joy. Our joy – a deep and abiding satisfaction that is produced in us by the Holy Spirit and is dependent on God alone, not our external circumstances, cannot be touched by the world around us. No matter what happened in 2023, and regardless of what is to come in 2024, we can find rest, assurance and exceeding joy in the Lord our God. Nothing can take your joy away. Hold fast to the God of the universe who is holding you up and waiting to fill you with exceeding joy.