He Gives Us Power

Jul 10, 2024Steve Wilkinson

We are always under the shelter of his wings. He always protects, guides, and helps us to do what He wants us to do. He is always guiding us in his protective hands to ensure that we see eternity for what it is, and we will be able to live to its fullest.

All the people who sought power on earth will realize they never had it. All the people who sought to control their life will realize they never were able to do so. The only One who has power and control is God.

He will share His power with us when we are doing his will. Then we will see what it looks like to do things with holiness and righteousness. This is how we use power to help our children, our spouse, our friends, and our neighbors with Godly wisdom.

God cannot allow people to be in heaven who do not submit to his loving grace and his ultimate power. If He allowed these people into heaven, they would do what Satan did in heaven, they would sin and cause heaven to fall. Just like Satan caused the Earth to fall. People in heaven will have the freedom to choose, and to choose to love God for eternity. And why will they choose to continually to love God, instead of rebel against him? Because they see him as the ultimate source of power. They will see him as the ultimate source of love. And they will recognize what happens when someone uses power to control things to their desires instead of to heavenly fathers.
So, today we choose not to be controlled by manipulating, narcissistic people. We choose to be controlled by a loving God, who is full of grace and wisdom, and is always working for our best.

God has made his will, his presence, his purpose, his plan to anyone who will seek it. But you must seek it to find it. When you do find it, you find that he shares his love and his grace, his purpose and his power. God's children have been told that if they will ask for anything in his name that is in accordance with his purpose, they know that they have it. We have watched God work his miraculous powers and miracles among his people. The blind have received their sight. The lame have been healed. Those who have been depressed have found purpose again in life. But only this comes when we humbly bow to him as the Almighty king of the universe. We are his servants.

One day, God will fix the creation. It will be perfect. It will be sinless. It will be the way he intended it to be for all eternity. People loving each other, loving him. It will be him in complete control and everything will be right.