I was a mess...

Jan 13, 2023Jim Clark
No one ever taught me how to handle money.
When I was in elementary school, I had a paper route. My sister and I passed out some papers on Saturday and made a little bit of spending money. Which I immediately took to the store and spent on whatever toy I could afford until there was nothing left. No one ever taught me budgeting. Saving was something that you did with the extra money, which there rarely was in my economy, or for a special occasions (like Christmas or birthday presents for others). When I got to college, I spent whatever I got. I took out student loans without any regard for the reality that I would have to pay them back. It wasn't wrong. I just didn't know any better.
So, when I got a job with a regular paycheck, I spent it. And when I ran out, I spent more (thanks to these wonderful things called credit cards that allow you buy more stuff and pay it off later). When those ran out, well... It wasn't pretty. Then the student loans came due. More ugly followed.
I was a mess.
I knew I had a problem. I knew that God cared about my finances and how I handled them and that I was handling them incorrectly. But I didn't know how. And I was undisciplined to implement any kind of financial plan.
Then I got married and my wife and I met (virtually) someone named Dave Ramsey.
Dave Ramsey's books, podcasts, videos, courses, etc. helped us get a handle on our finances and educated on how to handle money. I am grateful for Pastor Shawn and his vision to lead through this series. I had never had anyone in the church share God's vision for our finances.
God doesn't want your money. God wants your heart. And in order for God to get your heart, we have to trust him in all areas of our lives, including our finances.
If you are a mess, like I was, start listening to Dave Ramsey's podcast or pick up this book or register for Financial Peace University. God wants your heart to be a peace with your finances.
-Jim Clark, FPU Graduate