Identifying a Counterfeit

Jan 26, 2024Lauren Hong

The best way to be able to identify a counterfeit is not to spend time studying all the different ways something has been faked, but rather to study the original. If we truly know the real thing, we will easily be able to detect when something, or someone, is fake.

The same applies to God & how we determine, and resist, false gods and false proclamations that want to lead us away from His truth. “If you spend time looking at the real Jesus, you are able to see through the fakes” (Shawn Green) And when you know the real thing, you won’t be satisfied with anything less. Jesus is the firstborn among all creation, the head over everything and He holds all things together (Colossians 1). He is supreme over everything. There is NOTHING better than Christ and nothing that is truly right without him.

Are you carrying around any counterfeit beliefs about God? What false and flawed characteristics are you projecting onto Christ that are ultimately going to frustrate and disappoint you, because our false God’s cannot live up to our expectations and certainly cannot meet all our needs.

“If you want to know who God is and what he’s like, block out all the noise and look to Jesus… We may be chasing after other things or people to fill some void inside of us, but only Jesus invites us to life freely and lightly in Him. Only Jesus who is supreme over everything and sufficient for anything can be enough for you.” (Allen Burris)

When Paul writes to the Colossians, he does not begin by calling out their problems, but by giving a high and holy view of Christ. “A high and holy view of Jesus leads to peace and joy for you” (A. Burris) Be intentional about spending time in the Word and in prayer, seek knowledge and understanding of God so that you will know the real thing. There is only one way to heaven and only one God seated on its eternal throne. Do you know the one, true God of the universe, or are you chasing after counterfeit saviors? Ask God today to grant you discernment and clarity about who He is and what lies you are believing that he wants to eradicate.

Remember who & whose you are. Stand firm in your faith as you hold tightly to the One who is holding you up, our mighty and majestic Adonai.