Is Christmas a difficult time for you?

Dec 28, 2023

Christmas is supposed to be a time of celebration, of joy, of hope and of peace. But for many, this season is marred by the pain of grief that seems to rear its ugly head in a new way during the holidays. If that's you, I know your pain too.

Hi, my name is Quintin Bemis from Sherwood Oaks with the minute message.

Grief isn't really something you ever fully get over, but we can learn to move through it with the help of Jesus, especially during seasons like Christmas, where that empty seat at the dinner table seems to grow in size. In John 16, Jesus was teaching his disciples about grief and told them plainly that this life would be full of hardship, whether in physical pain, loss or struggles.

But he closes that moment with these powerful words I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world. This Christmas, when you feel the sting of grief and heartache, find a close friend to share your feelings with and take it all to the feet of Jesus in prayer.

That in him you may have peace.