Jesus does!
Jesus listens to our prayers. Jesus works with our prayers. Jesus answers our prayers. Jesus always brings blessings and wisdom through and into our life because that’s what Jesus does. He saves us from our sin nature. So, allow this to bring rest into your life, knowing you are His child. You are His loved one. You are a spiritual being who will live for eternity because of what Jesus has done.
We are holy because Jesus is Holy and He made us that way. Jesus works in and through our Holiness. Live a life of His holiness, not looking down on yourself. Know God works with our short comings. He fixes us everyday. He doesn’t give up on us, so we should not give up on us.
Our primary purpose is delight in worshipping God. Only 40% of people see church as a place to know God. The other 60% seek life skills, to learn how to improve their life skills. They’re missing the source of what rest is by knowing Him.
Putting God first keeps dysfunctional people and events from keeping you from rest and becoming who you are - His child.
Prayer is knowing God. The better you know God, the better you know how to talk to Him. Just like a person you know very well you know what they will say and what they will do. This is why it is so important to increase our relationship with Jesus. Know Him well. Let Him be the very best person that you know.
Tim quoted this on Sunday, "If you use your brain a lot, Sabbath with your hands, if you use your hands a lot sabbath with your brain." - Maggie Mobley
What does that look like for you? What should your sabbath consist of?