Just do it... Look to the Interests of Others...

Feb 9, 2023Jim Clark
Being a parent has illuminated many aspects of my relationship with God. Many times, it does this in ways that I didn't consider beforehand.
Being the parent of two children, I often find myself in the position of referee:
-"He hit me."
-"She smacked me."
-"He took my markers."
When I experience this, I often think to myself, "How silly is this? You're fighting over what? A Sharpie. Nothing. You're fighting over nothing." I'm sure to my children, it doesn't feel like nothing. It feels like life or death. But from my 45-year-old perspective, I understand that it really is inconsequential in the long run.
Then I realize that's how God must feel when I hold resentment in my heart toward someone else over relational conflict.
-"He hurt me."
-"She took my spot."
-"He got what I thought I should have."
-"She did something that I didn't like."
It doesn't always make it easier to solve the conflicts that I have with others but it does give me a different perspective. Paul reminds us: "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:4-5, NIV)
-Jim (dad of 2 kids... who often acts like them instead of Jesus)