Keeping the Temple in Tip-Top Shape

Apr 28, 2023Ian Powell

Do you ever fixate on improving one aspect of your body and soul? Maybe you are in a season of physical fitness or you are spending copious amounts of time in the Word. I struggle with focusing on one aspect while the other parts are neglected. I need to remind myself that I am a temple of the Holy Spirit. God lives in me!

I can’t just focus on cleaning the living room or watering half my plants in my home. I need to allocate enough time to care for everything. What if we actually treated our bodies as God’s home? We should keep our temple in tip-top shape, allowing God to thrive in our life! I challenge you to hone in on the areas of your life where you might be slacking. Take an intentional rest, wake up earlier to spend time with Jesus or eat an apple instead of that candy bar.