Let's Model Reading Scripture to Future Generations

Feb 3, 2023Sarah Maher

“We read to know that we are not alone.” -C.S. Lewis

Do you have little feet following you around wherever you go these days? Little ears that are always listening? Little eyes that are always watching what you do?

Children learn from watching those around them. We are their first teachers and they are our most important work.

When I want to feel close to the Lord, I seek out scripture. What better way to get into God’s proximity than to read the words that He intended for us to have.

If we want our children to have a relationship with God and to love Jesus, we have to model it ourselves. Let them see you reading scripture and praying. Better yet, share what you are reading with them or pick up a children’s Bible and read from it aloud - at any time of the day, not just before bed.

Maybe you start your day at the breakfast table by reading together. Do you have a commute to school or wait in a drop-off line? Audiobooks are great for this! Could your older children read to the younger ones while dinner is being prepared? I would love to hear how you have worked reading scripture to the children around you into your daily schedule. Sharing your ideas might even help to inspire someone else!

Tags: kids, bible, scripture, reading, read, parent