Look for Your People in Unexpected Places

Dec 6, 2022Carly Powell

Can I admit something to you? I am not a huge reader. I want to be. I married one. But as for me? I read a little bit of a devotion each day and I read my daughter at least 12 children’s books each day. Don’t quote me on 12, I just know it’s more than 10! But there is a book I read in its entirety this year and it changed my perspective on so many things. The book is “Find Your People” by Jennie Allen. It was challenging. Not challenging to read or challenging to finish, but it actually challenged me as a person.

One quote has replayed in my head many times since finishing her book. “Remember to look for your people in unexpected places. Life stage doesn’t matter. Age doesn’t matter. Find the people who are following after Jesus, and then go with them.” It plays in my head when I walk into an uncomfortable room full of small talk. It plays in my head when I don’t think anyone will show up for my event. It plays in my head when I feel alone. It even plays in my head in a room full of friends. And it doesn’t mean we sit back and never go out into the world and share Jesus, but it does mean that we find people who also love Jesus, and we love them deeply, too.

I have found some of my people. People that encourage and love me, people to serve with, people to help me heal and grow. People who I hope I am fulfilling these same roles. And I know I will continue to “find my people.” Are you ready to find yours?