Picked last...

Jul 6, 2023Jim Clark
Recess for me was always a stressful time.
Pick up basketball, dodgeball, kickball... there was always some sort of team. And it always started out the same way... 2 people were picked as the "captains". They would then proceed down the line through the group of eager students picking their team. And the order always seemed to go like this: their friends first, the kids who were athletic or good at that particular activity second, the leftovers who hadn't been picked third and then the ones that no one really wanted but they had to be picked because they happened to be standing there were picked last.
I usually found myself in one of the later two groups. Rarely was I the "friend" or the "ringer" for any activity. So I usually waited, in hopes of just getting to play.
Here's something awesome about God's Kingdom: the ones who are usually picked last in this world, are picked first in God's Kingdom. Jesus said it this way: "But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first" (Matthew 19:30 NIV).
Grant reminded us Sunday, through the life of Moses, that God often chooses to use the most unlikely among us. You know what I heard: "those who are often picked last... like me... get picked first!!"
So take heart! There is hope for those of us picked last!
-Often picked last for kickball in 2nd grade