Put the Name of Jesus Everywhere

Jul 11, 2024Steve Wilkinson

Putting the name of Jesus into every situation. Would Jesus put his seal of approval on the action, the words, and the thoughts we have?
Speaking the name of Jesus over every part of our life. Asking for his seal of approval. When we live our life this way, we will discover two things.
1. There are times that Jesus would not put his seal of approval on what we are doing.
2. There are times Jesus will put his seal of approval on what we were doing. During those times he says well done good faithful servant!

No matter what we do or how far we go, good bad, or indifferent, Jesus never leaves us. He always loves us and is wanting the very best for us. Showing us directions in His word, His presence, His love, His peace and His forgiveness.

Godly unity demonstrates Godly presence. It is when people are experiencing God that godly unity happens. Unity is not focusing on differences: our personalities, opinions, tastes, or preferences. It is focusing on the presence of the Lord. The word of God is always right. We are to bring glory to God through loving each other and God's flock, helping as many people as we can become like Jesus. We must unify on this because this is the will of God who we love with all of our heart, mind, and soul; we want to please him.

To live above with saints we love - oh, that will be such glory! To live with the saints below - that is a different story. When we get to heaven, the sin nature will be removed. People will only see God's nature in us, only the times that we lived the example of Jesus. They will only see our good works of how we lived here. The rest will be thrown away. We will only see and talk and praise the good things in each other. To exalt only the times that we are living in the will of God and being pleasing to Jesus. To concentrate on the good things God is doing in our lives.

Unifying around fighting evil. Evil demonstrates itself in the harming of the innocent. There is no one more innocent than children. Praise God we have a church that unifies itself in mission statement to stop things such as human trafficking. We need to think through our problems. These children who are being human trafficked have a problem that goes well beyond anything we can imagine.

God is the power source. Jesus is the answer. Simply put: we need to plug his power into our lives and come together to do all the good that we possibly can. Amen!