“Rise above the temperature of our culture.” I love these words that Shawn spoke in his sermon on Sunday. So much wisdom is packed into those few words.
Jesus claimed that his kingdom was “not of this world.” Romans 12:2 instructs us not to be conformed to the world around us but rather transformed by the renewing of our minds. We are called to follow God’s culture and live in a way that sets us apart, to “rise above” the temptations of the world we live in and seek Him first in all we do.
This is so much easier said than done. Our culture is NOT quiet. We are constantly being inundated with worldly ideologies that challenge our Christian values. We are regularly required to interact with people whose opinions and beliefs are different than our own. These relationships can be beautiful and fruitful by God’s grace, but they can also be demanding, exhausting and even hurtful. When the people and situations around us try to steal our hope, peace, joy and love, as Shawn reminded us, “ Remember who you are and remember WHOSE you are.”
It is by God’s love and grace that we are saved, and it is by this same love and grace that we are able to rise above. In moments of suffering, frustration, emptiness or even triumph, choose to bring HOPE, PEACE and JOY. Let the LOVE of Christ so fill you that it flows out of you and into the lives of those around you. There is nothing and no one in this world that can take the love of God away from you. Remember WHOSE you are, and know that it is enough.