So That We Can Love The Other

May 10, 2023Emily Bedwell

Quentin tied up our series with one sentence: We have to learn how to love one another in the church so that we can love the other in life.

People who are desperate to know Jesus, people who feel far from faith, people who feel lost and alienated in this world, they are looking to the church, and often they aren’t liking what they see. They want a place of refuge, of peace, of love, of joy, and they see Christians in front of them yelling, judging, and arguing with each other. They see Christians arguing with the world instead of loving the world, and they aren’t sure they want any part of that particular faith story.

We have to learn how to love one another in the church so that we can love the other in real life.

No church is perfect, and that includes Sherwood Oaks. No leadership is perfect, and that includes the people that lead Sherwood Oaks. No congregation has it all figured out, and that includes everyone who calls a Sherwood Oaks campus home. No staff can go through a week without having to deal with conflict between themselves or the church, and that includes the staff of Sherwood Oaks. We aren’t all the same, but we can love one another with the love of Christ, quick to forgive and quick to find middle ground, so that we can spend our precious time and energy focused on loving everyone else God puts in our path.