Spur-of-the-moment Giving Challenge

Jan 23, 2023Carly Powell

One of Tim’s challenges to the congregation on Sunday was to set aside a certain amount of money each week to give away. I love the idea of this challenge. In this moment, he wasn’t talking about tithing or planned giving to an organization. He was specifically speaking about putting a couple of extra dollars in your pocket that would be ready to be given to someone you run into that day. Maybe that looks like giving a waitress a bigger-than-normal tip and making her day. Perhaps that looks like handing a momma a couple of dollars in the grocery store when you see her putting back the items she realizes she cannot afford. Maybe that is dropping off coffee to a teacher who could use a pick-me-up.

What are some simple spur-of-the-moment ways to give that come to your mind?

There are so many ways we can give. I encourage you to find one this week that blesses someone else, and you, too, will be blessed!