Tell Your Life-Changing Faith Story

Dec 5, 2022Samantha Lee

Yesterday, we celebrated the 60th birthday of Sherwood Oaks. I have not been around for all 60 years, but my husband & I have been at the Bedford campus for 3. While Tim reviewed our core values, I couldn’t help but feel emotional about one: “We tell life-changing faith stories.”

A lot of redemption stories are very personal & encourage other people. So here is a little bit of my story that I hope encourages you in any struggles you may have in connections with God or other people.

In March of 2019, we found out we were expecting our first baby. Our emotions ranged from disbelief to complete joy. We quickly shared the news with family & close friends & began preparations like setting up appointments & arranging furniture for a nursery. We were about 10 weeks pregnant when I had a miscarriage. I had heard the term “miscarriage” but never had anyone around me share that they had been through one to know what to expect.

In the blink of an eye, our hopes & dreams for this baby were lost in confusion, sadness, & agony. We were emotionally unstable. The ground beneath us felt shattered. It wasn’t one day after our loss that we received numerous phone calls, messages, prayers, meals, & cards from people we barely knew. We don't remember how the word got out that we were in trouble & needed help, but in no time, the people of SOCC were pouring their support & love into us.

I can honestly say that in just 3 years, we've built some of our deepest, special relationships. God placed people in our life just when we needed them & connections formed. We have been able to share the truth that God who was with us even in our darkest moment, is still with us in our celebrations & that we will someday be reunited with our first baby.

Our family of now 5, celebrates 60 years of SOCC connecting people who love God to people who also love God’s people. If you are hesitant about sharing your life-changing story, don’t be! Finding your people changes everything!