The Breathtaking Beauty of a Rainbow

Jul 17, 2023Carly Powell

One of the coolest things to see as a parent is the excitement of your child over something natural and beautiful, such as a rainbow. Have you experienced the joy of a child seeing their first rainbow? Maybe as their parent, sibling, aunt/uncle, friend? Their eyes have been introduced to a new level of beauty and joy – a radiant display of God’s colorful sky. I still love seeing rainbows and still yell across the house, “HURRY, I SEE A RAINBOW!” Don’t even get me started on a double rainbow! But I do wish I could see it once more through the eyes of a child.

“I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” Genesis 9:13

The rainbow – the covenant and promise that God makes with us. Yes, it’s breathtaking and joyful to see in the sky above. But it’s more than that – it’s a reminder of the promise God made to us many years ago, and it still stands true today!

When we find ourselves in the biggest storms in life and facing unexpected challenges, the rainbow reminds us of the end in sight. It reminds us that God loves us, knows us, and always will. He will be faithful to us if we are to Him. We can trust in Him when everything else is spiraling out of control in our lives. One obedient step at a time, just as Noah obeyed, will allow us to walk through anything with God by our sides!