The Love of Money Can Create Obstacles

Nov 16, 2023Noah Saylor

1st Timothy 6:10 says, “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” But why is the love of money so dangerous?

I’ve never really asked myself this before until I re-read this verse in the context it was written. Paul was instructing Timothy on living a righteous life focused on speaking the truth and being above reproach - a cause of contempt for the false teachers competing with him. And many of these false teachers were once Christians who strayed from the faith. But why did they stray? For many, the allure of wealth became too much to bear, and they began preaching comforting lies with the intent to coax more money out of believers. These false teachers, I would surmise, fell into the trap of loving money over God and chose to alter what they taught in such a way that would benefit them financially.

But the dangers of loving money isn’t restricted to ministers. Wealth is a gateway to a plethora of opportunities that people would not otherwise experience. Oftentimes this is amazing! But just as often, it’s a detriment to our faith as it becomes easier to rely on money more than God. We get stingy, picky, and complacent as we make ourselves more and more comfortable for our time in this world.

When we’re not careful, the love of money creates obstacles between us and God by letting that desire - of money, power, success, influence, relationship - become greater than our desire for the one who created such things. Do you love your parents because they’re your parents or because they give you stuff? Do you love your husband for who he is or for the gifts he gives you? You understand what I’m saying: at the end of it all, if we love the things from God more than God Himself, this sprouts the root for all kinds of evil.