The Middle of the Race

Jun 9, 2023Jim Clark

One of the most challenging aspects of Hebrews 11 for me is my relation to the finish line.

It is challenging to read the stories about the lives of others lived in faith and know that their story is complete. Moses lived by faith and he led the people of Israel to the Promised Land. Abraham lived by faith and he became the father of a nation "as numerous as the sand on the seashore" (queue the song: "Father Abraham). Noah lived by faith and his family and all of creation was saved from the ark through the flood. We could go on and on about David, Gideon and others.

I can see their finish line from my vantage point.

I can't see mine.

I'm still in the middle of my race (I hope).

For better or worse, I can look at their completed life. I know how their story turned out. I don't know how some of the aspects of my race will turn out. And that's the scary and fun part. It's still happening.

So, don't be discouraged by someone else's end while you're still in the middle. Someone else may be looking at your middle from their starting line.

Keep living by faith today!

-Jim (still in the middle of his race... and cheering you on!)