Trying something new this year?

Feb 2, 2023Emily Bedwell

It’s the beginning of another new year, and I have to ask...have you decided to try something new this year? A new workout class? Master a new skill, a new language, or a new dance? As you think of what you want to achieve in 2023, I want to remind you that starting small is better than not starting at all. Hi, I’m Emily Bedwell with today’s minute message.

I don’t know if you’re anything like me, but I’m the kind of person who likes to be an expert at something almost immediately. If it takes work, it’s harder for me to get excited about. In school, classes that were naturally easy were fun and exciting, while ones that were hard work and I didn’t grasp were pushed to the bottom of the list of things to do time and time again.

I’m not a fan of that awkward just getting to know how to do something phase. I feel like if I have to put too much work into it, it must not be something I’m supposed to do at all. But, that is my perfectionist side speaking, not the truth. In Zephaniah 4:10, it says, “do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”

So, whatever new thing you’re trying in this new year, rejoice in the small beginning, just like your heavenly father is rejoicing!

Tags: new, new year, beginnings