We Are Partially Shaped by Our Relationships

Feb 8, 2023Emily Bedwell

Relationships can be both our biggest blessing, and the hardest part of navigating this life. As we began our new series this week, I couldn’t help but think of the relationships in my life and how they have shaped and changed me. At the core of who I am, and of who we all are, we are formed and informed by the people around us. I remember hearing a quote once that said something like “you become like the five people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely.” We can argue the number, but the heart of that thought makes sense to me.

We become like the people we spend time with, so choose wisely. If you spend your time surrounded by negative, critical people, do you find yourself being more negative, as well? If you surround yourself with gossips, are you more likely to give in to that temptation? At the same time, if you surround yourself with people who build others up, do you find yourself wanting to be more like them? When you are around people who see the good in the world, do you see more of the same?

Who are you spending your time with, and how are they affecting you? It’s worth considering as we look at what creates harmony – and disharmony – in our relationships and lives.