What are you building your life on?

Feb 6, 2023Shawn Green

What you build your life on matters, so make sure it’s strong.

Hi, I’m Shawn from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with today’s Minute Message.

In Matthew 7, Jesus tells a story about two builders. One spent time and energy digging through the dirt and clay until they found bedrock on which to build their home. The other believed the packed down sand was strong enough.

When the storms came and passed, you can guess which house was still standing. It was the one who kept digging until they found a truly firm foundation that could weather the storm.

What foundation are you building your life on today? Are you looking to your finances to provide stability? A relationship? Maybe you’re building your life on trying to be the person others want you to be. These foundations may seem strong now, but it’s only a matter of time before the storm comes and washes them away.

Only Jesus and His words give us the firm foundation to weather the storms of life. When we keep digging, we’ll find that He is our Rock, and a life that trusts in Him will never topple, come what may.