What do you need to hear today?

Dec 1, 2022

Quick question: what do you need to hear today?

Hi, this is Allen Burris from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with today’s Minute Message.

Do you need to hear words that tear you down, or discourage you? Probably not.

How about words of flattery with little substance? Like a sugar rush, they don’t last long and leave you feeling empty.

How about these words an angel speaks to Daniel in chapter 10?

Don’t be afraid, he said, for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!

Daniel was living in a hostile environment–a very challenging place and time. God’s message to Daniel is his message to us:

Do not be afraid.
You are very precious to God.
Be encouraged!
Be strong!

If you hear and receive these words, then speak them to others. We all need to hear this. I hope you have a great day!


Listen here: