What Dreams Do You Have for SOCC?

Dec 7, 2022Emily Bedwell

What’s next? We’ve celebrated 60 years. We’ve come out on the other side of a pandemic, a leadership change, and a church launch. We’ve lost so many we loved to death and disease. We’ve mourned deeply. But, we’ve also celebrated new life, new families, new commitments to Christ. We’ve laughed until our sides hurt. We’ve celebrated the new. So, what’s next for Sherwood Oaks?

Here are my dreams:
That all those names we wrote down on Sunday become people who find Jesus
That people who’ve given up on church decide to give us a second (or third or fourth or fiftieth) chance
That we become people who see every person as loved by God and cherished for the role they play in the world
That we risk more to reach our communities
That we make strategic community partnerships that change us all
That we lean hard into the things that the Bible says about love, peace, goodness, kindness, gentleness… those fruit of the Spirit
That we give those that want to know more about Jesus every opportunity
That we ask hard questions
That we choose love first
That we celebrate more
That we love more

What are your dreams?