Where do you need to say "Yes" to God in your life?

Jun 9, 2023

The word “Yes” attracts positivity. Studies show that when someone says yes they often feel empowered, more confident, and gain positive momentum in their life.

Hi, I’m Maggie Mobley from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.

Psalm 143:10 says “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Saying Yes to God and obeying Him is part of our faith journey. For God to transform us into whole people, we have to be totally available to Him. We have to say yes to God.

While it can be easy to say we trust in God, it is much harder to trust God with our actions.  But we can be confident that when we say “Yes,” to God we are saying, “Yes,” to who He wants us to be, and “Yes,” to all that He is. Saying yes to God will always give us confidence and momentum in our life.

Lysa Terkeurst wrote “The more we say yes to God, the more we will live in expectation of seeing him. The more that we expect to see God, the more we will.”
Where do you need to say Yes to God in your life?  Let God teach you his will by saying yes with full trust that he will lead you on level ground.