Where do you turn when you face your greatest stress?

Mar 16, 2023

In your moments of greatest stress, where do you turn? What do you seek comfort in? Who do you confide in? These questions often determine our direction in life.

Hi, I’m Quentin Bemis from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church.

Stress and anxiety have the greatest hold on us when they keep us isolated and confused, looking for help in all the wrong places. Jesus faced greater inner turmoil than anyone the night before he was crucified. But instead of isolation, he chose honesty and openness. In Matthew 26:38 he says to his disciples “My soul is sorrowful to the point of death...” and then in verse 39 he says to the Heavenly Father, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, yet not as I will, but as you will.”

So when you find yourself in moments of stress and anxiety, be honest about how you feel with yourself, with your closest friends, and with God. Fix your eyes on the hope of the cross this Easter, and you’ll find strength to move forward just as Jesus did.