If you are looking for something special to do in the last week of April you might want to consider celebrating National Tell a Story Day, recognized every year on April 27th. Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.
Telling a story won’t cost you a dime but it just might be priceless to those who hear. My grandparents were born in the late 19th century; listening to their stories was captivating. They told of long-ago-memories that I could visit through their words and gestures – things like working in the fields for 75 cents a day, surviving typhoid fever, going to sleep in the buggy because the horse knew the way home, and even hopping trains. No, not my grandfather, my grandmother! Somehow I don’t think my stories will be as exciting for my grandchildren but I will tell them anyway.
Do you know the best story teller ever? It’s God. From beginning to end, his Word weaves the details of his ageless quest to reach out to us that we might know him. Classic stories like the Good Samaritan or the Prodigal Son are all a part of God’s grand autobiography. Read it again. It won’t cost you a dime, but the message is priceless!