April 5 Minute Message

Apr 4, 2018Tom Ellsworth

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The infant slave boy, his mother, and sister were kidnapped from their Missouri home by Confederate raiders. Sadly, his mother and sister didn’t survive the journey, and the infant boy nearly died with whooping cough which left him permanently weakened. By the time he was rescued and returned to Missouri, the boy was no longer able to work in the fields. What a tragic story and yet without it history might be different today. Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message. 

What we see as adversity, God sees as an opportunity.  As the young boy grew, he spent his time wandering the fields, drawn to the variety of wild vegetation around him. He became so knowledgeable that the neighbors called him the "Plant Doctor."  Such was the path that launched George Washington Carver on the journey of a lifetime. His experiments with the peanut, sweet potato and soy bean transformed farming in the south and are still impacting our lives today. For 47 years he taught and the lead the Agriculture department at Tuskegee Institute. A man of great humility, he always gave credit to God for his triumphs in life.  

God is never the author of tragedy, but he can take our tragedies and turn them into triumphs.