Be Prepared

Dec 16, 2013Cary Curry

As I read through Joel 2, I was reminded of the Musical, the Lion King. One of the songs was titled, “Be prepared.” The prophet Joel has a message with images of a locust invasion - “like an army” – an attack. Famine is to follow as a result of sinful decisions. He warns us that a nation needs to be prepared to be accountable for the sins, just as we as individuals need to be accountable. He warns of a Day of Judgment.

The prophet Joel, as with the other prophets, is preparing us for the arrival of Jesus – a means of salvation – a gift. He places urgency on making things right with God – to repent and to draw close to Him. He warns of the harshness of the judgment and of the power of God. We need to put our trust in God and no other things. Through His mercy and grace, He gives us Jesus – our place to repent and accept the gift of salvation He offers. The time is now to make that unwavering decision to accept the eternal gift He so freely gives to us.