Henry Van Dyke wrote, “Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.
God-given talent always makes a difference; at times even long after the talent has been used. In the eighteenth century Italian painter, Bernardo Bellotto, captured the attention of Europe with his paintings of European city landscapes. His attention to minute detail was one of the hallmarks of his work. While his art was much appreciated during his sixty years of life, Bellotto could not have lived long enough to witness his artistry achieve its greatest contribution. Following World War II and the devastation of so many European cities, Bellotto’s paintings, renowned for their accuracy and realism, were used like blueprints to rebuild what had been destroyed. His work was especially important in the restoration of the historic sections of Warsaw, Poland.
Use the talents and abilities God has given you. You will make a difference and what’s more, that difference may live on long after your life is complete to touch and change the lives of people for generations to come.