We don’t get many chances to make a good first impression. Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.
Thomas Jefferson, our third president and a gifted leader, brought several changes to our nation’s capital in his executive role. Perhaps the most unexpected occurred at his first July 4th White House reception. As custom dictated people lined up outside the main hall to greet the President. And that’s when it happened – as the guests began to file past Thomas Jefferson, he reached out to shake each hand. It was shocking! Prior to that the proper presidential greeting had been to bow, showing deference to people of different social standing. But Jefferson saw the handshake as a way to treat all guests equally. Every president since has followed the same pattern.
A firm handshake is an asset, but treating all those we meet equally is the lesson we dare not miss. A handshake does that well, but a kind word, a smile, and genuine concern does it even better. Long before Mr. Jefferson took up residence in the White House, Jesus taught us to love our neighbor – any neighbor. And that’s the best way to make a good first impression.