Speak My Words

Dec 1, 2013Emily Bedwell

Ezekiel begins his ministry with sobering words from God: the people to which Ezekiel is being sent are a people who are utterly and completely lost. They had rebelled against God and were continuing to do so; they were going to say and do things that could and would make most men afraid. These were the people God was calling Ezekiel into, and this was God's only comfort to him "You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen."

How many times do we have that same charge in our own lives? Our job is not to make people think a certain way or do things in a way we would like; our job is simply to speak God's words. How they are received is NOT up to us.

As we enter this Christmas season, remember the words God spoke through His angels on that first Christmas morning - I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born. He is Christ the King!

That is our message and the words we need to speak. And then, we must pray that the people who hear the words open their hearts to God and believe in His promises.