Whisper (Sherwood Oaks Bookstore Review)

Oct 29, 2017Janet Wingard

Did you know you are imprinted by God, and you not only bear His image but you know his voice?

“It’s His voice that knit you together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). It’s His voice that ordained all your days before one of them came to be. It’s His voice that began a good work and His voice that will carry it to completion (Phil 1:6). Whether you know it or not, God was the first voice in your life.” Mark Batterson

But is God the loudest voice in your life today?

In his new release, Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God, Mark Batterson suggests that God is actively speaking to us using seven different love languages: Scripture, Desires, Doors, Dreams, People, Promptings, and Pain. Listening doesn’t happen by default; it happens by design; and God often speaks loudest when we are silent---when we are proactively listening.  Batterson describes ways to unlock each of these languages until God’s voice is the loudest voice in our life.

Often the chronic noises in our life drown out the whispers of God. Our schedules get busy, our lives are too loud and we lose our sense of balance until we are oblivious to the Voice that guides, comforts, encourages and loves. Batterson suggests that our problems are often because of hearing problem; and when we fail to listen we run the risk of turning into human doings rather than human beings.

Whisper is a great book that will help you discover how simple it is to hear God’s voice---if you know how to listen.  You can purchase this book in the Sherwood Oaks Bookstore for 20% off. Just mention you read about it here!

Reading to grow,

Janet Wingard, Sherwood Oaks Christian Bookstore